Cirez-d kick vs bass sound "full stop"

Hi There,

I tried several things re-producing the sound of the (main) kick that starts after about 1 minute in the song:

Cirez D - Full Stop (Original Mix) - YouTube

I tried several existing kick samples incl. TR-606, 707, 808, 909 and also layering technique, but without success.

Also extracting the “bleep” (that comes with the original song) from the kick with audacity software does not give me the desired result.

It’s the “natural sounding” kick, however with strong short punch that 'm looking for. And if it’s not too much to ask in combination with the bass line(s).




It is really compressed, there also may be some layering with a rough subbass hitting when the kick comes in.

Just join this forum and really looking forward to share my experiences.