"Coastlines EP" demo feedback

Hey guys, Scooty here, been a bit since I was on but I wanted to thank you guys for checking out the two tracks I posted on here a while back, apologies for not responding to the great advice I got from those who checked it out. I did take some time off to reflect on some of my tracks I have been sitting on for a while. With a day job that was taking up a lot of my time and with a artist name I wasn’t really satisfied with, I wasn’t doing much work and it kind of made me just realize that I should just get it out there and not be in my head so much with it. So here are six songs I wrote in the course of a year and a half. I hope you guys enjoy them. Again any and all feedback is more than welcome. Cheers!

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Hi, I am listening to your songs right now. I am listening the 2nd one now.
The first one is very good, but the second one is magic. The melody is really strong. It makes me feel to replay it. I like how you arranged all the instruments.

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