here’s a link to the best of two cd’s worth of mixes by me, under the alias of codenametag,
the first set of mixes is for the album, ‘everyone wants their sound i bring you’ their are five of them on it,
the second set of mixes is for the album, ‘you want to predict go with the rest of the witches’ their are seven of them on it, in which only one is uploaded today,
i don’t dj under the name anymore, but had a good laugh when i did, making mixes in my room,
all twelve mixes are up now, there are 2 best of albums of mixes,
from ‘everyone wants their sound and i bring you’ mixes are; ‘allspice’ ‘cpueffects’ ‘lucky’ ‘retox’ and ‘thisistheremix’
from ‘you want to predict go with the rest of the witches’ mixes are; ‘fortyminutes’ ‘itsgettingbetternow’ ‘lentilform’ ‘onehourlater’ ‘spunsuckthedinkywinky’ ‘tag’ ‘tothebrink’
they where recorded under the alais of codenametag, i don’t dj under it anymore, but was as i said a good laugh at the time, hope alls well,