Compatability chart for Lion OSX

Don’t say I don’t help you Mac people out


[quote]slender (26/07/2011)[hr]Don’t say I don’t help you Mac people out


Nice one, that’s really helpful. Looks like Ableton Live has problems with Lion … so Lion can suck my b@ll5! :cool:

I personally cant see myself changing from Snow Leopard for years to come…

No point changing… Everything works as it is right now. Its me thats the problem - not the OS / Software / Features :smiley:

Thanks for the chart… Looks like I’m waiting for Lion… Don’t think I need the downgraded GUI anyway

I thought apple was supposed to be the nuts?!? So why can’t they release an OS that works?

Just a though ya know :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the question is why would Ableton start testing after the release date, Apple seeds developer versions for months leading up to the release, there is no reason for this. Just a thought.

Well going by the list seems to be a lot more developers too who chose not to do anything