hey guys, i was hoping maybe some1 could help me out here. i recorded a full set into ableton, im running a phono wire straight from record in my mixer to a behringer u control device. its recording ok and playing back ok but when i export it and burn it to a cd it wont play on a cd player, i exported it as a wav and a aiff file and neither will play when burnt to disk. could some1 please help me out as i have a gig on monday and was hoping to get a load of copies burnt for then. i would greatly appreaciate it, cheers!
Does the .wav play once it has been extracted? Sounds either 1 of 2 things to me. Either you’ve not extracted the .wav properly OR you’re not burning it properly.
I’m thinking the former most likely, however i’ve given you some burning directions as well just in case.
In ableton, in your arrangement view, you need to make sure your arrangement selection start and end points are at the start of your arrangement and at the end. They look like little yellow arrows. The best way of controlling them is make sure your loop start is dragged to the beginning of your arrangement, then the loop end is dragged to the end. Then click the loop start/end grey bar, this then automatically places the yellow markers at the correct points.
Now click File > Export Audio / Video > Make sure ‘rendered track’ is selected as ‘Master’ > Click OK.
Your audio should extract fine. Just click to play it once it’s on your desktop to double check.
Now, onto burning:
Load Nero Express > Click Music > Click Audio CD > Drag your .wav into the window > Click next > Click Burn.
Windows Media Player:
Either load up windows media player or when you place blank CD into CD drive a pop up window should come up asking you what you’d like to do, one of the options will be to ‘burn using windows media player’.
Anyways, either way, once Media Player is open, make sure the ‘Burn’ tab is clicked. Drag your .wav into the right hand side area where it says ‘drag items here’.
Now click ‘start burn’.
I’ve absolutely no idea, best to ask Howie or any other Mac user lol.