Cross Platforms

Ok am I the only one on here that doesn’t give a shiz about a tutorial being made on one platform when I use another???

I really fail to understand why people are struggling to follow a tutorial for example in Logic when they use Ableton or a tutorial in Cubase when they use Logic??

I’m far from professional in production but I’ve had no issues following any tutorial on here and applying it to my chosen DAW.

As long as you have a BASIC knowledge of how to use your DAW which there are already tutorials for on here then so what if a tutorial is made in Ableton if you use Logic??

They all pretty much do the same thing and have similar plug ins.

Am I alone in this or what?

It truely baffles me why we keep getting requests to remake tutorials we already have in but in a different DAW?!

Such a waste of time.

i agree, i dont care what platform the tuts are made in. but most of the tuts are in ableton so obviously people are going to out their 2 cents in about it not being there main daw

You gotta look at if from a newb perspective which i still am haha only after you are comfortable with one daw does it become easy to transfer the knowledge to another. Thinks its a good idea to reach as many noobies as possible with whatever daw they wanna start with.

yeh i think it is completly unnecessary, as for the newbies they should be starting with the begginer courses avaliable for each DAW and then select further tutes for their DAW…also i think following the tute in another DAW actually makes you think more about what you are making and the focus on your own sound as it is different and you cant just midlessly program the whole song following the video you have to think of how you would apply it to your DAW.

Sooo nooo to video repeats in different daws but alternating the host in each tute would be benificial to more i spose.


[quote]kdt123 (10/05/2010)[hr]yeh i think it is completly unnecessary, as for the newbies they should be starting with the begginer courses avaliable for each DAW and then select further tutes for their DAW…also i think following the tute in another DAW actually makes you think more about what you are making and the focus on your own sound as it is different and you cant just midlessly program the whole song following the video you have to think of how you would apply it to your DAW.

Pretty spot on. If you don’t have a concept of how to use your DAW you should be following the beginners tutorial first.

i dont see the fuss and think its a big waste of time repeating tut’s on different daws when we could be getting fresh new content!!!

but from a newb’s point of view i can see why they would want the vid in the daw of there choice however i think having to think out of the box on how to transfer things to your daw will only help you learn better in my opinion rather than just copying a tutorial to the letter…