Hey Guys
I’m working on a remix and well opened the file in cubase today… It’s usually at 128 and on the transport panel it still says 128, however the track plays much faster! I don’t know what happened /=
I decided to put the track into traktor to analyze it’s new bpm… it’s at 139.32bpm.
Anybody with experience with Cubase who could tell me what I did by mistake would be greatly appreciated
Thanks very much!
i wonder if the bit ratio changed. try to check the Beat ratio on the property of the tracks. also check the transporter buttons . there is some commands to sync the track to a sample that might be at that speed
That’s definitely a possibility.
When I switched soundcard in cubase it asked me if I wanted to change the sample rate or bit rate (forget which) of the samples, I never took notice and think I pressed enter. Is there a way of changing this then if it is the case to be the problem?
I have no clue where the track properties are nor the transporter buttons haha XD, still getting the hang of cubase (:
I know what it is now. When changing soundcard in cubase, cubase changed from 44.1 to 48 khz. I reverted back to 44.1 khz but unfortunately the tracks never reverted back and they’re still off, so is the midi tracks and the automation. It would take a full day to get it back and would never be the same. I’m so annoyed :'(. So much work on this track =[. Is there any way at all for me to get it back?
try to change the bit ratio in your sound card. not in cubase . this should fix it bro
The sample ratio should have nothing to do with it.
First, check if you are using the tempo track or not. You can get to the tempo track under the project tab. Look to see if the tempo track matches your desired tempo or not. If it doesn’t then this is your issue. You can fix this by two methods:
1. open your transport panel (either by F2 or under the transport tab) change the highleghted button labeled tempo to the track button so it changes to fixed. Then type in the tempo you want to have.
2. inside the tempo track you can change the BPM to your desired tempo.
If niether of these work then you can re-size the samples to your desired tempo by using the time stretch function which you can find under the audio tab then press the process tab.
Yep, it’s on musical mode I’m afraid /=
Ah well, thanks guys for the help.
I’ll just do it manually when I’ve got time or restart.
Don’t know why I’m talking about musical mode tbh :L
But yeah, I tried everything!