Something i’ve been working on the past couple of weeks, i’m thinking possiby more harmonies and i’ve been chatting to my vocalist about a vocal line, all ideas really. I know it needs ‘something’ extra / more, but can’t quite put my finger on it, it’s kinda irritating haha.
Roben - Untitled by DJRoben
I like it very much mate…Nice melody and beat.
Cheers Igor
Think once it has a vocal line on it, should really help to bring it out more. Leaving it in my vocalists hands at the mo.
I like this mate, sounds like it has some prog trance elements in it, If it had a good vocal and a bot more of a lead melody goin on it would my kinda thing. maybe even
something armin would play at the start of ASOT, you know, when he plays his prog vocal stuff (with a bit of hard work). Keep up the good work. cant wait to hear this when done
Reminds me of summers past - nice melody mate
Thanks guys!
Hey Rob, this is really good stuff. I like the little echoey synth line in my left ear playing off the main synth in the break.
Hey mate, I really like this one.
While I was listening my mind played a melody.
So I took my nanokey and 10 minutes later here is the midi file waiting for you.
Place it after the breake, give it a standard piano for testing, let it come in slowly and play around, would like to hear it with the next version…
Hope you Like it.
Stream Drullody by Paulectro | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
[quote]xxgrandxx (17/08/2010)[hr]Hey mate, I really like this one.
While I was listening my mind played a melody.
So I took my nanokey and 10 minutes later here is the midi file waiting for you.
Place it after the breake, give it a standard piano for testing, let it come in slowly and play around, would like to hear it with the next version…
Hope you Like it.
Hey paul (is that your name?)
Thanks for the midi, that’s really cool of you to do that
Have just taken a listen to it and I really like the sound of it. Although it has thrown me sideways a little because it sounds pretty good with the track but it uses a C note? My track is in the Scale of G flat major / F# major which doesn’t have a C, only C#?
Is this what’s known as an ‘accidental’ key?
Hey, yes Paul is my name…
You know,
I do not creat music by feeling it. Mostly it will fit in the rules but if not, I wolud never change it just because of the rules say thats wrong. And your right, “C” is in the tune but for me it feels right this way. So feel free to change it, it just was, what came to my mind…
What do you mean by sideways? Im from Germany and my english could be better so this is a term i dont know…
Apologies Paul it is a bit of an english term. ‘To be thrown sideways’, just means to be taken of course, it’s when something takes you off traditional or normal direction. So when I was thrown sideways, it means it confused me due to it not being traditional to how i’ve always thought or learnt perhaps. For example in this sitation the C not being in scale, yet it still sounds good, confused me into the understanding of why this may be when in traditional thinking, it shouldn’t be.
I understand what you mean, you should always follow your ears, however it’s really got me curious now to understand how and why in this instance it works when it - in practical musical theory - states it shouldn’t haha. I’m sure there is a reason, i have a feeling it could be down to what’s known as an ‘accidental’, which is a semi tone key out of the scale… however being how i am, i need to find out for sure haha.
It’s called a “passing” note Rob I think. Perfectly acceptable in trad music theory.
[quote]jonsloan (17/08/2010)[hr]It’s called a “passing” note Rob I think. Perfectly acceptable in trad music theory.[/quote]
Cheers buddy, could you possibly elaborate more on ‘passing notes’? Or at least link me to a good source? Would like to understand it a bit more
By the way Paul, i’ve liked your midi so much i’ve decided to keep it, i have adopt it a tiny bit and decided to keep it as a piano riff as it works and sounds really good.
Thanks a lot!
It’s really developing nicely.
passing note
n. Music
A note that connects two consonant pitches by stepwise motion and usually occurs on a weak beat. Also called passing tone.
Ahh Google
Anyway, in your case your song’s key is F# major which has both B and C# in it. So C bridges those two notes so it’s only a semi tone non harmonic to that scale. Makes it a passing note. You can use them fleetingly in a piece without it sounding dissonant.
My father is law is a classically trained musician and that’s what I remember from what he told me.
[quote]jonsloan (17/08/2010)[hr]passing note
n. Music
A note that connects two consonant pitches by stepwise motion and usually occurs on a weak beat. Also called passing tone.
Ahh Google
Anyway, in your case your song’s key is F# major which has both B and C# in it. So C bridges those two notes so it’s only a semi tone non harmonic to that scale. Makes it a passing note. You can use them fleetingly in a piece without it sounding dissonant.
My father is law is a classically trained musician and that’s what I remember from what he told me.[/quote]
Spot on, thank you buddy. Just wanted to understand the whole thing better, makes total sense now you’ve explained
Its nice to hear that you will keep it,
hopefully you will filter the piano a bit, I think that can do the trick.
Music theory is just a set of rules to discribe what will sound good or bad.
If that what you create sounds good, there is a rule its fitting in.
If there isnt, the rules have to be reconsidered!
So, Im looking forward hearing the next version!
Deffo got the making of being a great song
Hi Roben,
Cant believe i have only noticed your new tune today. Great work as always. You can see lots of improvements with every track you do, keep up the good work down there in sunny Brighton:D
could also call it a b5th note (flattened 5th). bluesy, mmmm nice ;)
also congratulations man on getting the road to brighton track signed. :w00t::w00t: