Dark and Gritty - Ambient / Downtempo Please

Would love to see some ambient / downtempo. Particularly gritty and dark stuff like below. Focusing mainly on drum samples (what kind and how to get them overdriven and distorted, or is it time stretching) and how to make cool drones. Some FSOL samples below of my fav tunes

Future Sound of London - Slider - YouTube

Future sound of london - Dirty shadows - YouTube

- YouTube

Future Sound Of London - Vertical Pig - YouTube

[quote]intuitionnyc (31/08/2011)[hr]Would love to see some ambient / downtempo. Particularly gritty and dark stuff like below. Focusing mainly on drum samples (what kind and how to get them overdriven and distorted, or is it time stretching) and how to make cool drones. Some FSOL samples below of my fav tunes

Future Sound of London - Slider - YouTube

Future sound of london - Dirty shadows - YouTube

- YouTube

Future Sound Of London - Vertical Pig - YouTube

+1 love FSOL! Would love to do some Dark ambience

[quote]gavisthename (31/08/2011)[hr][quote]intuitionnyc (31/08/2011)[hr]Would love to see some ambient / downtempo. Particularly gritty and dark stuff like below. Focusing mainly on drum samples (what kind and how to get them overdriven and distorted, or is it time stretching) and how to make cool drones. Some FSOL samples below of my fav tunes

Future Sound of London - Slider - YouTube

Future sound of london - Dirty shadows - YouTube

- YouTube

Future Sound Of London - Vertical Pig - YouTube

+1 love FSOL! Would love to do some Dark ambience[/quote]

Me too

and me…

I don’t like to follow trends but as this is something I’ve been working on recently then IM IN :cool: