David McLean - Deep Water

Thoughts on this new track please guys:br
iframe width=“100%” height=“450” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/135365347amp;auto_play=falseamp;hide_related=falseamp;visual=true”/iframebr


Like this one David. Certainly your best one I’ve listened to so far. Love the bass, sits really nicely with kick, like the effects panning about in the back ground toobr
If I had to be critical (and I’m in no place to criticise) I was hoping for something a bit more after it drops, I’m sure you’ll tell me otherwise but it seemed to just go back to what it was doing before the breakdown, but with the lead marginally brighter than before?br

ok dave this bass line is sweeet…i love the hi cut on it…mixed really well with the kick it sounds like…everything really sounds perfect no annoying frequencies or things where im like wtf is that…maybe try some crazy effects on the vocal sample in the break just to make it more unique…it would really be a great song for the club but im going to have to agree with jimmy…maybe just use some different sounds for the lead in the second drop to mix it up a bit!br
sorry this is such a late response dave I do try to leave feedback on yours since you leave such good feedback for everyone :slight_smile: