I’ve been jamming away with Ableton over the last week or so… having a great time putting in clips & arranging stuff into scenes & assigning things to buttons on my Midi keyboard. Watching the M_nus Live Pack was a real inspiration to follow up on the idea.
So easy to do in Ableton, but I was looking for ways to do something similar in Logic, so dusted off my Novation Nocturn. Its great.
In Mixer mode… the Pots are the Faders & you have all your mute buttons & sends. You can hit the crossfader left & right to flick between banks of your mixer faders - 8 at a time.
Only thing is… that its pretty limited to what you can do. You are limited to Automaps Settings when using the mixer. To control a Plug in, you must have it on. You cant just assign a parameter to a knob or a button no matter what. I havent really been using the Nocturn with my plugins as it just felt a little clunky.
DAW control is where its coming into its own I think. I’m going to make 6mins worth of loops on every track on the arrange. Then do mutes & Volume fades to build up the track in Logic… Then delete the unused afterwards & maybe iron out the automation & change it to a filter etc…
I’m just sick of staring at the screen & working in blocks. Would be really nice to record it live - like a performance.
Long winded post Guys… But a nice way of getting out of Loopitis?!
Wondering if anyone else is making tracks in this way… any practical advice?
I’m yet to actually do it properly… but I’ve been messing about & I think its gonna do what I want. Much better having the LED Pots on the Nocturn than a “Dumb” Midi Keyboard that needs its controls jiggled a bit / reset to work.
What controllers do “You Guys” use? ;)
Although the Novation / Automap stuff looks the Sh!t… its kinda expensive for what it is I think. I’ve been doing a lot of research over the last week or so & this is pretty sweet.
Behringer BCR2000 & BCF2000
Both are pretty cheap - but offer lots of control. Theres also a program called Opus Locus (for $40) that allows you to emulate a Mackie Control Surface with your DAW.
Few Bugs probably… but a lot cheaper than the real thing!
It works on most Midi Devices… Even bog standard Midi Keyboards. You can assign all Transport buttons & much more to it. Theres a good forum on the site too… so check it out if you are interested.
The BCR2000 has millions of LED Pots… and the BCF2000 has Motorised Faders (pretty unique at this price range). Has anyone got any experience of hooking these up with their DAW?