Well you should know it ain’t going to be pretty
Comments, death threats wikileaks all appreciated
[hr] Dead Hour [unsigned] by Nomad Spectrum
i was listening to it quiet in my studio and what i mainly noticed was that the synth didnt stand high enough in the mix (listening quiet can help u spot alot of things like that)
i’d def turn that up a bit.
Hi JapWow long time no see
Yeah you are right - trouble is due to one disaster after another I still havn’t got a pair of monitors so still mixing through headphones, hopefully this will be rctified very soon
Thanks anyway
hey mate yeh been so busy
Thats a shame about headphones but well i guess we all have to work with what we have. A few tweaks and ur sorted.
you will soon get used to what areas you need to boost etc and how it sounds in ur headphones keep it up dude
Hey Paul good track mate. You just need you monitors to help balance it out. Great groove to it