I was looking through your list of top course from 2012 and found it interesting that the deep house course was voted number one. Generally speaking this site seems to cater for harder music and I was surprised the deep house course came out on top. br
Why did it make the number one spot? Was it on user usage or did you think it was the best yourselves? I thought it was great btw, not quite as deep as I would have liked but my favorite SA course to date. br
Does this mean there will be more deep house type stuff coming up? I saw a few YouTube videos with a guy called Glimpse promoting some of his stuff and he had a great way of explaining things and some good ideas. It would be great to see a course by him.br
A few other, not too unrealistic ideas for people to do course would be:br
Tom Demacbr
Florian Krusebr
Saying that, another one by Graham wouldn’t go a miss! His slower pace was quite relaxing!
Yeah its was user views… we are certainly taking it all in to consideration when planning this years courses.br
I think we where in talks about a Disclosure one. will check with Paul if its still a goer… br
Tom Demac is definitely possible.br
Disclosure one would be great.
Yeah… was speaking to Paul om that one… dosnt look like it will happen… i think it was we where going to do a live thing with them when the where in ireland but they are too busy. Boo
Although their sound is easy enough to replicate… will take a closer look might do it myself.
Any deep house tuts would be amazing!
It’s the way they incorporate garage vibes into their house tracks I would like explained. They have interesting beat patterns that would be worth a look as I can’t get it right.