Desk stands for monitors?

Does anyone know where i could get a set of stands for my krk rokit 5s, i only need ones that will lift the speakers up off the desk to ear level rather than full length floor stands… Anyone have them or know where i can get some?


There’s no reason to spend money when you could just sit your Rokits on some phonebooks. Just cover the books themselves with some fabric and your friends will be none the wiser…

[quote]themiddleman (07/12/2010)[hr]


There’s no reason to spend money when you could just sit your Rokits on some phonebooks. Just cover the books themselves with some fabric and your friends will be none the wiser…[/quote]


Thats a ruddy good idea! Another other money saving tips? :slight_smile:

I actually have one of my speakers stood on a stack of phonebooks and books LOL :smiley:

Not ‘politically and sonicly correct’, but then neither is gaffa tape in the recording studio or a PILLOW in a kick drum hehe :satisfied:

eBay is where I got mine

Whats next - Mopads with Tin cans & string?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

B&Q - DIY!