Dirty Dutch Pitch Vocals (VST)

Hi Forumers! :wink:

I have a question, how to make pitch vocals as on this video in 1 minutes 15, and which vst to use for it?


Just load a vocal sample into a sampler and do the pitch bends using the pitch bend envelope and the internal pitch modulation of the sampler. A simple tutorial is here:

How To Produce Dirty Dutch Leads - YouTube

It starts off with a synth version then moves onto the vocal version in the second half of the vid.

Hope that helps!

Either drop the vocal into a sampler and do it that way… OR use melodyne.

sampler is the easier + cheaper way to do it!

there you go

Oh god, sorry, I’m not saying this just to be a *, Timofey’s videos are usually great but that fidget house one he made is fing terrible. The lead makes me cringe. How did he not stop and go “good lord this sounds like animals being slaughtered” while he was making that?

Anyway here’s another video just in case: http://www.soundstosample.com/blog/how-to/produce-dirty-dutch-leads

Shows the lead synth and a pitch vocal lead too.

Thanks for the tips and links!!! :slight_smile:

[quote]gedeon (11/02/2011)[hr]Oh god, sorry, I’m not saying this just to be a *, Timofey’s videos are usually great but that fidget house one he made is fing terrible. The lead makes me cringe. How did he not stop and go “good lord this sounds like animals being slaughtered” while he was making that?

Anyway here’s another video just in case: http://www.soundstosample.com/blog/how-to/produce-dirty-dutch-leads

Shows the lead synth and a pitch vocal lead too.[/quote]

it wasnt ment to show how good it sounds he made it because someone asked him how to do it and tis a preety good technique you can apply to many other sounds etc

Yeah I know that’s a fair point, the technique is still the same and the video works great just for instruction, but you know when I’m watching a tutorial video I tend to lose interest if what I’m trying to learn sounds bad, he could have taken a minute before he did it to come up with an okay riff or something. I dunno. Not that I’m making any better tutorials or anything :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah anyway sorry I’m just being picky, don’t mean to offend.