Dj comp

Hi people another year another DJ comp…!!

Ok thought I would pop a post and let people know (if you don’t already know) about a dj comp that Beatport are running.  Think the comp ends at the end of this month so you still have a chance!!! :wink:

I have already posted a couple of mixes and would like the sonic academy guys for some help with votes!!! If you can check the link and get voting!! Already had some top reviews from people I don’t even know from around the world!! So if you are on Face book, twitter etc add my a link and ask your friends to get voting!!! :w00t:

I’m currently uploading more than one mix so keep checking them out! :slight_smile:

Thanks people any votes would be appreciated!!! :smiley:

DJ Keef Cassell

Hey keef,

Just voted for you.

cheers dude! I need all the help I can get!! :slight_smile:

There are some really good mixes on there and should be a good comp! :cool:

hey keef, although i didnt hear the mix, I’m sure youre a great dj. May I make a suggestion? Try to incorporate Ableton or some kind of live element into your sets. you will become more original then the next guy and will have a larger pallette to choose from!

Good luck bro! :smiley:

Hey mate , just voted for you good luck !:slight_smile:

cheers for the votes and comments.