Dj / cueing headphones in traktor

Ok , so i bought myself some decks(mixtrack pro 2) the other day and i am using them with traktor - im using my external soundcard (m-audio fast track pro 2) as the output and I cant get headphone cueing working with it . Has anybody else experienced this problem before? or does anyone have any solutions to this problem?br

So are you trying to run both your headphones and your master out through the external sound card???

ive got the ddj t-1. on your output 1 is left right master and 1 is left right headphones you should be able 2 configure this with the soft give either with your soundcard or even with the driver from your mixpro2

I personally think that your sound card doesn’t have a seperate headphone/master out and that you actually need to either use the mix track to either handle both outputs or set the sound card as the master and the mixtracks cue for the headphones. br
I have an s2 and just jack it up directly into my system as they’re designed to be played that way! I’m sure the mixtracks inbuilt sound card is up to scratch if you mixing mp3s :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, you can only use one audio interface with Traktor. As your M-Audio only has one stereo out you need to use the audio interface on the mixtrack pro for both output and cue.