DJ Help

Hello Guys i need help

i have

DJM 700

Pionner CDJ1000 Mk3

and Mac Book Pro

i want to connect my mac book with the mixer and to record dj sets

from my players and mixer what i need ?i dont want to use Traktor

what you will recommend me ?

i use soundforge!

[quote]iliyandj (18/03/2011)[hr]Hello Guys i need help

i have

DJM 700

Pionner CDJ1000 Mk3

and Mac Book Pro

i want to connect my mac book with the mixer and to record dj sets

from my players and mixer what i need ?i dont want to use Traktor

what you will recommend me ?[/quote]

just take a line out from your mixer to your line in on your macbook and record away.

software to record the line in - maybe use audacity - its free

Thnx man i downloaded but i have problem with this software i downloaded tha lastest version 1.3 beta but i’m not sure i set up I/O proparly i checked Help in the menu but still dont understand

Hardware Playthrough (Mac Only) - plays the audio you are recording straight back out to your headphones or speakers so you can hear it. This option is done in harware, so it is fast and doesn’t consume resources. However, it is only possibly if input and output are on the same sound device.

so i switch off my Audio 4 dj i went to preferences–>devices—>recording

and i switch to Built-in-Microphone i start a track from my player i record a lit bit but its quite low and the wave they are not big also The output (playback) meter is the green one doesnt work

[quote]iliyandj (20/03/2011)[hr]Thnx man i downloaded but i have problem with this software i downloaded tha lastest version 1.3 beta but i’m not sure i set up I/O proparly i checked Help in the menu but still dont understand

Hardware Playthrough (Mac Only) - plays the audio you are recording straight back out to your headphones or speakers so you can hear it. This option is done in harware, so it is fast and doesn’t consume resources. However, it is only possibly if input and output are on the same sound device.

so i switch off my Audio 4 dj i went to preferences–>devices—>recording

and i switch to Built-in-Microphone i start a track from my player i record a lit bit but its quite low and the wave they are not big also The output (playback) meter is the green one doesnt work[/quote]

not really sure i understand what the problem is.

all you need to do is run a stereo out from your mixer to your stereo in on your laptop / sound card.

once that is done, select the relevant stereo in as your input source on your laptop.

then hit record !

okey my friend but how ? where i have to plug in the cable because i try a few things and nothing really working :frowning:

as i understand you use your audio 4 dj as soundcard.

the thing you do is take your “rec” output of djm 700 (on the left next to booth) connect it with the “in 1/2” input of CH. A on audio 4 dj (most right connection) via normal cables.

In audacity go to preferences > audio I/O > make sure your audio 4 dj is selected as recording device and that it is taking audio from “in 1/2”

This way you have a balanced audio level coming from your mixer to your mac via the audio 4 dj soundcard. You will still hear your main output from your monitor speakers…

hope it helps

Use either your monitor or your master stereo phono out, use one of those to go into your macbook or if you have external soundcard then plug the phono out into your phono in on your soundcard, simples.

I say use one of your monitor or master stereo phono outs because chances are you are only using one of them anyways in a home set up.