Djing and producing live! May be a silly question

Is it possible to use ableton and traktor or am i just being silly? Id like to produce on the fly as well as dj...and traktor seems to be more dj friendly

you didn’t give me a chance to replay, lol

yes it is, in variety of ways. James Zebiela uses both at the same time,

but if you new to digital djing you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed, I did :smiley:

so maybe try one thing at the time, as far as djing is concerned you are going to find that both programs can do similar things in a bit different way

for me coming from ‘traditional’ djing background I’ve found Traktor more fun to use, but I’m planing to do few things with ableton too

Honestly, it would be very hard to produce decent quality stuff live for a decent amount of time but one thing i like to do is make cool intros and other additions in ableton to use in my traktor mixes to spice them up.