In your DJ and Live 8 warping tutorials I saw no mention of the re-pitch feature. In general, when you put a marker on the first transient then ‘warp straight from here,’ set marker 1.1.1 you then go to the final beat, sync up the the transient to the beat and metronome. Then you should change the warping to “Re-pitch” so it speeds up or slows down like vinyl.
Is there a reason you didn’t advise us to use re-pitch or was it simply over looked?
Thanks for the clarification.
using re-pitch can sound better but it will put your tracks out of key especially annoying if you are trying to add basslines or other pitched fx over the top.
I guess if your doing pure djing with ableton then you could do this… but why would you be using ableton for just straight DJing though?
I’m not just using it for djing, in fact after working with it as my main daw for the past year I’m just now trying it out for a radio show mix . This is where the re-pitch question comes in. I noticed a grainy, distorted sound with the other settings so I did further research.
Phil on a side note thanks for all you do, I really appreciate it.
Let me ask you a question- Do you also use live from top to bottom and believe it’s a fully capable daw? I’m thinking about adding Peak and the UAD laptop card to optimize my computer and add high quality efx. What are your thoughts?