Does anyone use hardware synths with ableton? Need help

Hi Guys,

I have a novation supernova and a microkorg which I connect via a midihub (midisport 4x4) and I am having some latency issues using them together with ableton.

When I use software synths such as sylenth I dont have a problem with lacency when using my microkorg as a midi keyboard, it feels pretty instant…however when I create a midi clip to control/play the korg or supernova the sound seems to run slightly behind the rest of my track.

Does anyone have any idea why this would be happening?


Maybe it’s your sound card, sounds like a latency issue.

Try lowering it in ableton under preferences.

Yeah, I did try that but its the sound from the hardware thats lagging. It seems to be a midi latency issue rather than one with my soundcard.

I have a tascam fw1804 firewire audio interface which allows some pretty low latencies so I don’t think its that. I could be wrong however.

I wouldn’t think it’s your sound card man.

I really haven’t got the scoobiest, so best let someone else help you lol.

I’d a similar problem with Ableton with Rewire, back when it was my DAW.

The exact details escape me now… but it might be enough to get you over it…

I had to record in the Audio to a track in Ableton.

Then look @ how many .ms the Recording was off.

Then adjust that in the latency adjustment (I think that what it was called?)in Ableton Prefs. There was a Guide in The Live Help section to show you what to do. 

Always worked 100% fine from then on in.

> If its Midi & not just Audio… Try setting a negative midi delay in pref’s by the .ms amount from the audio file - if thats what it’ll let you do. Not @ home right now, so cant be more exact - Apologies.

I am using a virus ti2 with ableton and it is spot on.

As already said try playing around with the latency settings or even try when recording starting with an extra note or two at the beginning.


My advise is to contact ableton directly about this one as I think it’s a very technically specific question and their the best people to walk you through it step by step. They have a number you can ring for technical support sogive that a try if you want some direct help. I also have a novation supernova and I just use the external instrument device and I can play it with my midikeyboard or midi clips with no latency. I do however have a MOTU 828 mkII which is a really good sound card so I can’t say if it’s your sound card that is causing the problems.

It’s not midi. Midi info is super small. It’s your audio card/interface. You might have to go through your system settings as well as your software for your interface. Are you on Mac or PC?

[quote]boneidol (17/09/2010)[hr]I am using a virus ti2 with ableton and it isspot on.

As already said try playing around with thelatency settings or even try when recording starting with an extra note or twoat the beginning.


i am running a virus ti snow and with my new pc (windows 7 64 bit / ableton) the virus goes mental if it’s on a project that has a lot of eqs and compressors on loads of audio

im having to have one project for jamming and one for arranging which im importing the bits in, its starting to be a bit of a pain, what setup are you running?

[quote]ctdf (17/09/2010)[hr][quote]boneidol (17/09/2010)[hr]I am using a virus ti2 with ableton and it isspot on.

As already said try playing around with thelatency settings or even try when recording starting with an extra note or twoat the beginning.


i am running a virus ti snow and with my new pc (windows 7 64 bit / ableton) the virus goes mental if it’s on a project that has a lot of eqs and compressors on loads of audio

im having to have one project for jamming and one for arranging which im importing the bits in, its starting to be a bit of a pain, what setup are you running?

Whar size is your buffer? The only problem I had is when I had my buffer size to big and got this

Turned them to 800 and now runs sweet as fook.


ive had that quite a few times

i’m not good at the tech side of things? do you mean the buffer under the audio tab on ableton? mine is fixed at 512 - cant change it, seems to be due to my soundcard (motu ultra lite mk3)

[quote]ctdf (18/09/2010)[hr]ive had that quite a few times

i’m not good at the tech side of things? do you mean the buffer under the audio tab on ableton? mine is fixed at 512 - cant change it, seems to be due to my soundcard (motu ultra lite mk3)[/quote]

To be honest I hopeless at the tech side of things myself, think your best bet would be to email access, there customer support is by far the best I have come accross. When I emailed them on a weekend aswell they got back to me within 20minutes and they explane things very well.

They will explane what you need to do and if you need to buy anything they will let you know what you get within your budget.

Sorry I am not more help.

ta, but just for curiosity sakes, do you mean the buffer in ableton?