Indeed, as an example I also review Gadgets for one of Future’s magazines, and they give me absolutely free reign to say what I like, never been told to go easy or word things differently, and that’s a magazine that is almost wholly based on reviews and advertising.
What Ant says about womens mags too is on the money, some of the Advertorial in there and the claims they make etc is shocking.
I think that UK mags have a very good reputation, but I am not sure it is the same in USA. Another interest of mine is motorcycles, and the UK ones are totally unbiased but the US ones, from what I have heard from US bikers, are in the pockets of the manufacturers. They don’t get test bikes if they give bad reviews. I don’t know if this is the same in other mags.
Also I have to agree with the basic premise that magazines make you want thing that you don’t need.
[quote]lorddarthfader (28/02/2011)[hr]I only asked for a discussion… i didn’t mention my own opinion on the subject. All you lot do is lay into me. I’m gonna call my mum.[/quote]
oh sorry, i must of got confused with the thread title
“Don’t buy music making magazines”
… lol
[quote]jpgetty2win (28/02/2011)[hr][quote]lorddarthfader (28/02/2011)[hr]I only asked for a discussion… i didn’t mention my own opinion on the subject. All you lot do is lay into me. I’m gonna call my mum.[/quote]
oh sorry, i must of got confused with the thread title
“Don’t buy music makingmagazines”
… lol[/quote]
Sometimes to invoke serious discussion one must pose a statement. If you look back you’ll see that I immediately followed up with “discuss”
@Ant and James
Ok you guys have obviouly have more hands on experince with the british mag scene so I stand corrected. However maybe I am just getting cynical in my old age but if a top manufacturer were giving out press releases for a flagship product I am sure the editor would give the review to one of their inhouse journos on the preception that they will give it a favourable review as they would be betting on a lucrative advertising campaign. I not even saying there is anything wrong with this as like any buisness no point rocking the boat especially these days when the printed media has so much competition
For me I would rather take the judgement of a completely independent reveiwer or a user, probably a reason I would never buy a product which is brand new and wait till its been tested for a few months (I am a windows user so thats where my caution stems from)
And as I said I don’t see the harm in tec magazines and I do buy them if i have along train journey etc etc and especially for new comers I think they are a great source
Anyways I did say to myself not many people would agree with my stance, but differnces make our speices far more entertaing
Either way, the reviews sections, I don’t think are really a major part of it.
You can (and probably should) be critical without being negative. Objective reviews will tell you what something does and doesn’t do, and leave you to make your mind up.
Mentioning features you wish something had isn’t going to hurt the feelings of a manufacturer etc.
Like you however, I rarely base my opinion on one review alone anyway, and will have checked forums (for the absolutely opposite perspective - all hate) and then youtube, blogs and so on and come to my own conclusion.
Well I would hope everyone here is sussed enough not to buy something because it looks shiny and FM/CM give it a good rview but I bet those manufacturers sell a few units on just those reviews alone
And ofcourse any journo or reviewer should be objective but sometimes that is not the case and I certainly was not putting you in that Catergry James
We understand, you’ve become bitter and twisted in your old age
all you guys do is fight. jeeeez
music mags have their place. some interesting stuff in them. they do make a lot of money from advertising theres no doubt.
whether their reviews are swayed one way or another you’ll never really know
some of them are definitely worse than others
[quote]TheAnt (01/03/2011)[hr]We understand, you’ve become bitter and twisted in your old age :P[/quote]
Nah come to think about it I’ve been like this since birth
[quote]bryan spence (02/03/2011)[hr]all you guys do is fight. jeeeez [/quote]
You need to keep the kids in line Bry. Send them to the naughty step.
[quote]jonsloan (02/03/2011)[hr][quote]bryan spence (02/03/2011)[hr]all you guys do is fight. jeeeez [/quote]
You need to keep the kids in line Bry. Send them to the naughty step.[/quote]
Teachers Pet :P:hehe:
I’ve got an apple for you too! Mwah, mwah
i’m coming to england soon and i would really like to read a music mag ( music production to be precise ) , since we don’t have any here , i’m looking to buy some. any suggestions on which ones should i buy?
[quote]bogdi47 (08/03/2011)[hr]i’m coming to england soon and i would really like to read a music mag ( music production to be precise ) , since we don’t have any here , i’m looking to buy some. any suggestions on which ones should i buy?[/quote]
Computer Music
Future Music
Sound on Sound - this is very high brow and may not be of much use go to WH Smiths and have a browse like the rest of us do here
ok thanks!