Dubfire - Roadkill (D05 M3 Remix)

This is a classic tune! I’m hoping I didn’t butcher it :blink:

No fx or mixdown yet, Enjoy:

Dubfire - Roadkill (D05 M3 Remix) by d-aRe

Another awesome track dude nice remix. Did not butcher it man. Nice production it sounds really clean. Everything has its own place and none of the elements overshadow each other. The retro pads sound really cool. I can never find or create pad patches I like :hehe: What synths are u using if u dont mind me asking? The bassline I feel really stands out well in the track its a nice sequence and sounds really phat. All your melodic elements work really well together aswell… I think again tho a bit of trimming of the arrangement would be good. Like I said everything sounds great but a few of the sounds get to repetive and seem to drag on in my opinion. also when u have the first break and the chord changes up on the bassline it kind of took me by suprise and took away from the groove I was feeling :slight_smile: . Not sure what else to say. Not that I really have any merit to say it but I think if u fine tune your arrangememnt work on some more fx, mix down and get this track mastered im sure it will sound completely professional. So yea good stuff dude.

Also anychance u could give me any advice on how to do the bassline u have done in this track? Did u use chords? also what synth did u use. Did u layer up sounds? what pattern did you use? Any help would be great cheers

really enjoyed this one kinda candy shop but fresh sounding at the same time but fresh though out, yeah i wouldnt be grinding me teeth if this came on in a club good work :slight_smile:

Yeah good solid track but maybe too long. Agreed that the bass pitch up sounds kinda odd.

i agree, it was a little bit too long… but the production quality and the overall sounding… like a commercial track :cool:

Sounding good. Very nice textures. Definitely a nice production job.

I’m really digging the stab sound that you used.
Just wondering what you used for it. If you’re willing to tell. :slight_smile:

Thanks fellas, it’s a nearly finished track but it still needs some work, I’ve got a backlog of other tunes to complete but I’ll be making sure this one gets sorted for sure…


Dude thanks for the feedback, for the pads I used Sylenth1, some SAW waves detuned with a 24db LPF nothing special… The bassline was made with sylenth1 again, multiple patches I’ll message you with how I made the bassline and pattern if you want man no probs… (when I can find the project! and recollect how I did it:)


I was actually messing around with some chords and played this riff, only to find Dubfire has already done it!!! you think you’re on top of the world one sec then you get slapped down :w00t:


Cheers mate, I didn’t realise the change in the riff/bass sounded… weird… I’ll see how it sounds without it :stuck_out_tongue:


SWEET :slight_smile: I’ve not touched this track in months so will definitely trim it down and move the arrangement around, nice one man


Thanks man ;]


Sure man, I tweaked Z3ta+ Chords of life preset to get the mid/low and then used sylenth1 2 detuned saw waves LPF 24db for the mid/high, duplicated the melody for the stabs and added an additional few notes for the variation, put them both into a instrument rack and then set a macro for the filter cutoff on both synths for the build ups… hope this helps

thanks again for the feedback chaps, my sunday is now sorted ;]

Cool man thanks for the info its much appreciated :slight_smile: Anytime u have spare time to msg me about the bassline is cool. I have sylenth so should be easier to take away some good learning cheers again :smiley: