Hi guys.
I’m new here, and I’m just looking to say hi, and to share a few finished tracks, remixes and demo’s with you all.
I’ve been producing all sorts of stuff for a few years now, and am looking for a place to exchange tracks, and feedback.
The electro stuff I produce is being released on a label already, along with remixes in various genres, but I’m posting up tracks that are more housey or of a more Dubstep feel (areas I’m not great at). If anyone could give me any tips on how to make them sound better, I would be really grateful. I’d also be grateful if you weren’t too harsh.
Latest tracks by Byterate
Rock it has some good ideas… Its a little repetitive even for that style of music. I could benefit from a lot of automation (opening the synth up, adding reverb hangs etc).
Also maybe a change in the riff etc
Thanks for the reply.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a reverb hang, and what is opening up the synth? I know how to use reverb/what all the parameters of my synth do, but i don’t know the names of techniques.
I’m guessing…
Reverb hang: Long reverb tail on certain elements
Open up synth: Opening the cutoff filter
Sorry yeh geek talk.
Reverb hang for how much the reverb hangs. (in logic its called the mix if i remember right … these days i just do it automatically) i use soft light reverb on hats but some times then i will automate it up so that it creates a nice effect
Opening up the synth applies to the cutoff but also the release and other parameters… there are a few that can be automated to create the best possible build
Thanks guys! I appreciate the input!
Feel free to repay the favor
Will do, I feel a bit lost on this site. Once I have a proper delve I’ll get involved more.
Welcome to the forum buddy! Some nice tracks there, one thing i noticed on a few tracks is on the builds you could of maybe lowered the volume so that drop had a bit more effect. This is something I need to start thinking about too, were all learning here.
Thanks man. That’s a good point.