Due out soon

You may or may not have seen Andi Vax’s online tutorial ‘Mixing Secrets’, its a pretty well known dance music tutorial, i’ve just had a text from him saying his new video ‘Answers’ is almost complete(Russian version) and is due 01/01/2010, if all goes to plan the English version will be out by the end of Jan.

I’ve not seen or heard this video myself so i’m as much in the dark as you guys but hope it will be of benefit to some

Hey Ry, if its anything like the original it will be worth the wait. i’ve been a big fan of Andi’s since you introduced me to him ad his music, the guys got mental good production skills and one you get used to the Accent he becomes a very good teacher. Honestly Can’t wait.

Btw Andi Told me i can get his tutorial through a torrent, you don’t happen to know the link to the english one do you?

Jon you can grab his first vid here