Duration of the kick

I was watching the production qa video of nicky romero and he was talking about the duration of the kick regarding to the bassline he uses but he didn’t stay on it too detailed.br
so I was wondering if Phil you can answer it clearer; what scenarios would be better to use longer kick or shorter kick,br
if the bassline is mainly sustained notes with sidechain, is it better to use a shorter kick and if the bassline is actually the lead of the song etc?br
Can you give some insight on this?

Thought Nicky explained it. And you more or less as well.br
If the bassline is long with sustained notes. It’s better to have a kick with a short tail. This to prevent to much rumble in the lower frequencies.br
If the bassline is more the lead and playing a melody with shorter notes, you can have a kick with more tail/body/meat.br
It all just depends. You have to play with it. Listen what sounds best for your track.

Its really just a style choice… If you want a big booming kick and are making a deeper track like afro jack you would use the long kick and minimal bass…br
if you are doing something more big room dutch the shorter kick and more prominent bass seems to be being used more now.