Hello guys , i’ve read a few months ago about some earplugs that reduce Db for sounds that damage your ears. I couldn’t get them at the time.Anyone got a site for some good earplugs that also supports international shipping? Thanks in advance
Depends what you’re looking for, you can get Specsavers hearing and various other local companies to yourself to mould you especially fitted ear plugs for your ears, these are more recommended as they’re more comfortable and are made especially for you.
However they are more expensive, they can be anything from around £90-£200.
However you can buy normal plug in ones, which are great and do the job at around £15, just do a google search for: musicians earplugs
I bought some Alpine musicians earplugs this summer and they’re great. They don’t stick out like those huge yellow/orange construction worker ones do, and they don’t muffle music nearly as much either.
These aren’t the same exact ones as mine but you can try to buy from here: MusicSafe Pro Professional Musician and Concert Ear Plugs (NRR 8/11/16) Or a quick google search would probably work
[quote]gedeon (09/01/2011)[hr]Alpine musicians earplugs
Yeah i’ve got these too, really good and they don’t stick out that much which is great.
wow those are quite good from what i’ve read. Thanks guys , i’ll get some.
Hey Roben, why didn’t you say you had these in the first place?