Earn money!

im looking for some constructive critism on my track and in return i will pay you a small reward of £5 (if you have paypal) :slight_smile:

i have some positive feedback already but i would really like some constructive feedback!

since i put this track up i have done another mixdown and adjusted somethings but i want to see if i am doing the right things or not.

its a techno track but not of the minimal variety, its got more of an oldskool vibe to it. :hehe:

please be quick to put your comments up because if i get overwhelmed with feedback i may have to close the offer :wink: this might be a crazy idea? we’ll see :w00t:

<EMBED height=81 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=“100%” src=http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F8022461 allowscriptaccess=“always”> 3REQ by MUSSELWHITE

Hah, you’ve had mine already and it’s always free.

Damn, we shouldn’t have to pay each other for comments though :w00t:

Doesn’t matter how skilled we are as individual producers, we can all tell each other how a track sounds on your own system set up as that’s always super useful.

The simplest comments we can make are - those hats are panned oddly, or the mix sounds muddy or the bass is harsh or whatever. Nothing to do with liking or disliking a track.

+1 man :smiley:

Ha ha yeh I’m just trying to get some attention lol my girlfriend thinks I’m insane ! Lol

Thanks for your comments before

We shouldnt have to pay for comments but I feel I need to do something. I don’t use many other forums and there are guys on here that know their sh!t and people that have had tracks released, worked with pros and know what it takes

Hey, Ok I am going to have a go at this, but I want you to understand these are just my thoughts and it isn’t like I am all that.

Firstly, I like the track. It reminds me of going to Tresor, in a good way. I agree with the comment that says it is driving, I don’t think you have anything to worry about there. I really like the two (I think) mini breaks, they both give the track a good kick.

So I listened to the track looking for the areas I think need work.

The first thing I notice that might need something is the wooden knock that is panned left, because there isn’t a sound to the right to balance it it makes the mix seem a bit lop sided. i think there is another noise that is playing with it that is also panned left with it and they play though most of the track so it feels like the track is listing a bit to the left. I think if I was working on this I would look for another sound, in the same kind of freq range, that can play off that knock but panned about the same amount to the right to balance it. OR I would maybe automate the panning on the knock, so it moves each time it is played.

The other thing I noticed was the kind of stabs that come in at around 2.03, I found them a little over familiar, they seemed to come in out of nowhere, take over the mix quite a bit, then f*** off again. I think maybe having them introduced a bit more gradually, maybe playing part of the stab earlier, or a filtered version of them or summut.

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have as well. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I don’t want your money :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]TheAnt (20/12/2010)[hr]Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I don’t want your money :P[/quote]

I’ll have it :smiley:

I really like it Mussi. Havent had a chance to listen to it on h’phones… but really enjoyed listening to it through the monitors.

Great groove & it chugs along nicely. The changes really keep it going w/out it getting tired. I think for that achievement alone, you deserve a medal, cos its harder done than said :cool:

You’ve put a lot of work into it Mate, sounds great. I’ll hopefully get to listen to it later when ICN Jr. is in the land of nod.

btw… I dont need the money either 'cos I’m getting a Pound for every new thread that Wayne/gofunk creates :wink: :laugh:

Wow ICN you’d be able to sort out your countries debt at this rate :smiley:

No - Its all for me. I’m sending a message from underground. We speak with our fingers. I dont know for how long the link will exist so I must be quick.

It’s ****e - that’ll be £5 please! :slight_smile:

In all seriousness I think TheAnt is on the money here. Too me that wood knock just isn’t working, somethings just not right with it - try pitching in down an oct or two, or doing away with altogether - replace maybe.

The other couple of bits that stands out to me is the bass at the start seems to drag on abit, maybe get your drums and fills in slightly earlier. Also the other bit I don’t get is around the 5 min mark - seems like there’s a string pad being brought in. This either isn’t needed or needs to come in alot earlier - to me it just seemed like why introduce a new sound at the outtro.

edit: I’m liking the track bud! Good feel to it. :wink:

I think that new sound idea @ the end is genius.

Used to love when I’d hear that on tech records. Much more interesting mixing into the next tune. 

Can remember hearing it on good minimal stuff also. 

Yeah, I really like the pad at the end. I think it adds life to the loop and it also allows the transition into the outro to work nicely.

Also I don’t think you should get rid of the knock, I just think it needs some work.

I have no problems with the bass line, it is fairly constant, but in this type of track it adds to the driving nature of it.

[quote]TheAnt (20/12/2010)[hr]Hey, Ok I am going to have a go at this, but I want you to understand these are just my thoughts and it isn’t like I am all that.

Firstly, I like the track. It reminds me of going to Tresor, in a good way. I agree with the comment that says it is driving, I don’t think you have anything to worry about there. I really like the two (I think) mini breaks, they both give the track a good kick.

So I listened to the track looking for the areas I think need work.

The first thing I notice that might need something is the wooden knock that is panned left, because there isn’t a sound to the right to balance it it makes the mix seem a bit lop sided. i think there is another noise that is playing with it that is also panned left with it and they play though most of the track so it feels like the track is listing a bit to the left. I think if I was working on this I would look for another sound, in the same kind of freq range, that can play off that knock but panned about the same amount to the right to balance it. OR I would maybe automate the panning on the knock, so it moves each time it is played.

The other thing I noticed was the kind of stabs that come in at around 2.03, I found them a little over familiar, they seemed to come in out of nowhere, take over the mix quite a bit, then f*** off again. I think maybe having them introduced a bit more gradually, maybe playing part of the stab earlier, or a filtered version of them or summut.

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have as well. :)[/quote]

thanks ant! youve given me something to work on.

the offer still stands! pm me with your paypal details if you change your mind

[quote]The other couple of bits that stands out to me is the bass at the start seems to drag on abit, maybe get your drums and fills in slightly earlier.[/quote]

pm me your paypal details

Hey Mussi… Shoot me an email.


Email me your track. I wanted to return your PM, but your inbox is full.

haha just seen this, funny idea but if it works it works right?

My appologies I don’t really get much time to check this section of the forum, but i do try.

Anyways I’ve taken a listen and you’ve got a good thing going on, really nice ideas and the sounds all work nicely together. What you could do to really bring this out more is take a look firstly at your track, you basically have a 6 minute slab of constant kicking sound, the bassline… it’s very ‘loopy’ and although hypnotic, perhaps take it out in areas, getting rid of your low end then returning it is classic technique which will help give more ‘impact’ and excitement. Tease the listener and don’t give them everything all the time.

I think something that would work well in your track is making a break, then using some atmospheric background noise with lots of reverb over it, perhaps even some ping pong delay, then work some of your perc over the top, even that horn? kinda sound that you have coming in at 2.50, play that through a bit then let everything tease back into your main rhythms and basslines again.

Don’t worry bout the £5, we’re all here to help each other out, how it should be!

[quote]howiegroove (20/12/2010)[hr]Hey Mussi… Shoot me an email.


Email me your track. I wanted to return your PM, but your inbox is full.[/quote]

thanks man, ill send it over to you …

and empty my inbox

Anyways I’ve taken a listen and you’ve got a good thing going on, really nice ideas and the sounds all work nicely together. What you could do to really bring this out more is take a look firstly at your track, you basically have a 6 minute slab of constant kicking sound, the bassline… it’s very ‘loopy’ and although hypnotic, perhaps take it out in areas, getting rid of your low end then returning it is classic technique which will help give more ‘impact’ and excitement. Tease the listener and don’t give them everything all the time. [/quote]

thanks roben, the original idea was to have the kick and bass constant through out the track, there are so many techno tracks out there that are like this but there not boring (not to me anyway) they use other means to keep the track interesting and moving. i do like your suggestion though and youve given me some idea to try!

Mussi, your track is good. But you know how I work. Is there any way you can get on AOL Instant Messenger and I will roll over everything with you. It would be easier for me. I get pretty detailed and carried away. Let me know even with the time diff.
