
Dont you just hate it!

That and Hollyoaks, grrrr

Hollyoaks is ok for eye candy :slight_smile:

I don’t mind it … and I watch Desperate Housewives!

What’s wrong with me? :blush:

[quote]slender (22/10/2010)[hr]Hollyoaks is ok for eye candy :)[/quote]



I miss Hollyoaks. Sunday morning omnibus was awesome for my hangover!

You guys need some Jersey Shore in your life. Now THAT is crap!

i very rarely watch tv… i watch inbetweeners and the sopranos dvds… thats it… its all such bull$hit. total waste of time… dont get me started on the x factor britains got talent dancing on ice with some c&^t that used to be in that programme that you know was on for like 3 episodes but now shes f**king the bloke from spurs that stole outta that girls purse that used sell drugs before playing football but then decided to dedicate himself to kicking a ball around and spunks his money at mahiki every weekend but its ok though cos hes just signed for 200k a week eventho hes an ugly c*&t with only 2 brain cells in his head living in a huge f*^k off mansion in London but thats alittle smaller than the gigantic palace he has in the south of france that he uses when hes not at the villa on lake como…

such a waste of timmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee. a distraction from whats really going on in the world. i dont need to know this shiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!


Anyone see Phil Mitchell on Crack?

LOLzzzz :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (23/10/2010)[hr]Haha!

Anyone see Phil Mitchell on Crack?

LOLzzzz :)[/quote]

He is now my role model