Just looking for some feedback, I meant for it to sound basicbr
4.5 months into learning production.br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/138100754amp;color=ff5500amp;auto_play=falseamp;hide_related=falseamp;show_artwork=true”/iframe
This is really sweet man good job…the pads and sounds all mesh really well together and I love the aura it gives off…your drums were really just not there in the mix though compared to the rest of the song…i would watch a few tech tips on here on some mix down techniques and mixing the drums in a little bit more theres a pink noise one by tom demac thats really priceless br
panning is your friend to just start going crazy with it rather then having the sounds sitting in the middle, it will add a whole new layer of production :)br
in the end though you have a very nice track good job
I appreciate the feedback James, thanks
yeah i was really going for basic snare sounds, kinda like a drummerboy feel just to keep the focus on the lead/pads. I think I could spice it up some more though to make it more danceable.br
Thanks again.
Yeah I see what you mean and it’s not that you didn’t achieve that feeling you just have frequencies in other sounds that are too loud and are drowning out your drums cause of this…the big pads will need a good amount of eqing to make sure the kick/hi hats/snare aren’t “losing” to your pad since they’ll take up pretty much the whole spectrum