Eurovision Song Contest

I miss Terry Wogan :frowning:

Never thought I’d say this, but - Jedward FTW :slight_smile:

They did a good job. Read in the paper today that they’ve been told “not to talk” at the show tonight.

How about: Not singing! :smiley:

Nah, they’re good - considering. If this track was by Rihanna, it would be huge.

Not only that, but Jan would do a bootleg :w00t:


it amazes me how a couple of ***** d|psh!ts like this can earn a couple of million each. depressin

[quote]jpgetty2win (14/05/2011)[hr]it amazes me how a couple of ***** d|psh!ts like this can earn a couple of million each. depressin[/quote]

Its talent which you obviously very jealous off jetty :stuck_out_tongue:

JP is jealous cos the Lads will be able to buy genitals now :stuck_out_tongue: :hehe: :slight_smile: