Extracting groove ableton and apply to other parts

I have a loop from Loopmaster prog and tech sample CD. I know how to extract the groove from the loop and apply it to another part of my track. However do i use the default time settings from the sxtraction on the other parts or do i need to change these. Basically what im trying to ascertain is how to extract the groove and appy it to the other parts so that the groove is exactly the same.

im not sure if i need to change any timings after extraction or if i can just derop this into and existing loop/part to give me the same groove as the extraction.

Hope this makes sense!

Yeah… Live saves the groove data & saves it like a template. You can just apply it & it goes to that positioning regardless of global settings.

It will override whatever is there… thats the way it works in Logic, which I use the most.

There’s further settings in the groove pool for you to mess around with… so if the initial application of the groove doesnt adjust it enough, you can dial in more to taste.

If I’ve understood you right, hope that helps Ya!

Thanks for the help - much appreciated

No problemo Mate! :smiley: