Mate, you’re pretty good at synthesis, and I know you have a similar background to me when it comes to music so I know you’ll know this one, maybe even have loved it as much as i did/do?

Anyways I know the sound is LFO’d, but do you know what makes up the sound? Do you also think it’s automation of the LFO that is making it move the way it is?

dude, if its the sweep in that keeps playing for about 20 seconds, its a saw wave.

if its not, you should give a time marker. the song is, after all over 3 minutes long.

I think this sound is all about the pitch. Take a single saw wave, link the pitch to an LFO, turn the pitch amount up a tad bit, and I think you should be quite close. And it is probably automation of the LFO rate, pitch amount and placement of the midi notes that make it move the way it does.

That part between 1:33 - 2:00 you could make quite easily without the LFO as well, by linking the pitch to the mod envelope, and pushing the attack up close to halfway. Would probably only need to automate the pitch amount. Sounds like it’s pitching more as it gets closer to 2:00, even if the midi notes seem to move higher.

Hope I’m not way off here, but I think that could be pretty close. :slight_smile:

[quote]eccentrica (01/07/2010)[hr]I think this sound is all about the pitch. Take a single saw wave, link the pitch to an LFO, turn the pitch amount up a tad bit, and I think you should be quite close. And it is probably automation of the LFO rate, pitch amount and placement of the midi notes that make it move the way it does.

That part between 1:33 - 2:00 you could make quite easily without the LFO as well, by linking the pitch to the mod envelope, and pushing the attack up close to halfway. Would probably only need to automate the pitch amount. Sounds like it’s pitching more as it gets closer to 2:00, even if the midi notes seem to move higher.

Hope I’m not way off here, but I think that could be pretty close. :)[/quote]

Just had a play around, sounds pretty spot on, will play around to get the sound a bit more right i think, cheers :slight_smile:

What do you think is being automated to give that fast and slow build of the pitched synth? Could it be the attack? Along with a certain midi sequence?

Its probably just YT - But that 1st lfo rise up @ the start sounds like some real lo-quality time stretching or something as well.

Havent heard that tune in ages.

[quote]ICN (01/07/2010)[hr]Its probably just YT - But that 1st lfo rise up @ the start sounds like some real lo-quality time stretching or something as well.

Havent heard that tune in ages.[/quote]

Yeah i was wondering about that first bit!

its just synthesis basics Rob. You should try to sit down and do some exercises and actually try to recreate sounds. You can do it dude.

[quote]howiegroove (01/07/2010)[hr]its just synthesis basics Rob. You should try to sit down and do some exercises and actually try to recreate sounds. You can do it dude.[/quote]

I create the bases and most sounds for pretty much all my tracks dude. I just wasn’t sure how joy kitikonti did it exactly in his track, it’s cleverly done i think.

[quote]roben (01/07/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (01/07/2010)[hr]its just synthesis basics Rob. You should try to sit down and do some exercises and actually try to recreate sounds. You can do it dude.[/quote]

I create the bases and most sounds for pretty much all my tracks dude. I just wasn’t sure how joy kitikonti did it exactly in his track, it’s cleverly done i think.[/quote]

I personally think its really simple. My issue is I always try to make crazy sounds, and I try to make them crazier and crazier instead of using simple sounds.

should be easy enough mate when i’m off work on sunday i’ll have a go at it.

you’ll need set sylenth’s lfo to free cycle and and automate the rate

modulate the filter as well as the pitch

the sound also to me sounds like it has a flanged layer unless that’s the clip but i can hear a flange effect creeping in just before the kick drum drops back in.

also some reverb

those last three posts could have been combined into one, ya know! :wink:

[quote]howiegroove (01/07/2010)[hr]those last three posts could have been combined into one, ya know! ;)[/quote]

Hey Howie - Why dont you do a Tut on combining posts? :smiley:

Cheers Jon, already gathered it’s modulation of the pitch, however, if you hear at the beginning the sound almost sounds like it’s being stretched as well? Could it be that the attack is being automated?

[quote]roben (01/07/2010)[hr]Cheers Jon, already gathered it’s modulation of the pitch, however, if you hear at the beginning the sound almost sounds like it’s being stretched as well? Could it be that the attack is being automated?[/quote]

Man - Put it this way…

If that Lfo was a Vocal @ that bit… you’d think the Singer had a Stroke!

Thats Timestretching. Heard he got a new Mac & was showin off :wink:

[quote]ICN (02/07/2010)[hr][quote]roben (01/07/2010)[hr]Cheers Jon, already gathered it’s modulation of the pitch, however, if you hear at the beginning the sound almost sounds like it’s being stretched as well? Could it be that the attack is being automated?[/quote]

Man - Put it this way…

If that Lfo was a Vocal @ that bit… you’d think the Singer had a Stroke!

Thats Timestretching. Heard he got a new Mac & was showin off ;)[/quote]

hahaha, you’re quite the comedian lately :slight_smile:

I know I shouldn’t have LOL’d, but it was funny.

[quote]ICN (01/07/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (01/07/2010)[hr]those last three posts could have been combined into one, ya know! ;)[/quote]

Hey Howie - Why dont you doa Tut on combining posts? :D[/quote]

How bout a tutorial on how to kiss my a55! :wink: biatch!

[quote]roben (02/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (02/07/2010)[hr][quote]roben (01/07/2010)[hr]Cheers Jon, already gathered it’s modulation of the pitch, however, if you hear at the beginning the sound almost sounds like it’s being stretched as well? Could it be that the attack is being automated?[/quote]

Man - Put it this way…

If that Lfo was a Vocal @ that bit… you’d think the Singer had a Stroke!

Thats Timestretching. Heard he got a new Mac & was showin off ;)[/quote]

hahaha, you’re quite the comedian lately :slight_smile:
I know I shouldn’t have LOL’d, but it was funny.[/quote]

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