Feature Requests / Bugs and any news of a much needed update?

Ok, so KICK is great but why still no updates? It could really use a lot of refinements in my opinion. I posted feature requests here back in March 2014 and the response appeared pretty positive. Those requests remain valid imo and can be found on this thread:br
So, it’s been out over a year and yet has been given no extra love from Sonic Academy. Are you working on an update or can we consider v1 as the final version?br
I really hope not and if there are plans to update it then please let us know if it’s going to be anytime soon! :)br
These are my feature requests after using it extensively for the past 8 months and if they are addressed, I think it would make it arguably the best sine wave Kick generator out there:br

  1. Zoom function - Almost all of the character of any percussive sound is found in the first few milliseconds. At present there is almost no control over this vital part of the Kick drum because you can’t zoom in to fine tune it! It’s represented by 2 or 3 pixels at best at the moment which is maddening and my number one gripe!br
  2. Waveform should be drawn behind the curve and reflect parameter changes in realtime.br
  3. Adding Nodes should not disturb the existing curve(s). Impossible to know what is happening in the first milliseconds anyway at present let alone with the curve changing when you add a point in this region.br
  4. Ability to export kick as an audio file (with prefs for format, bit depth and sample rate). If there was a way to simply drag the waveform mentioned above from the interface to the desktop/explorer/finder or DAW then all the better.br
  5. Smoother volume envelope when fading out - It’s currently clicky instead of fading smoothly to 0dB at the end of the kickbr
  6. Grid displaying time with ability to snap to it. br
  7. The interface should be reflecting time in a linear manner. Why is it that half way across the graph doesn’t correspond to half the duration of the Kick? very strange, counter intuitive and senseless. Hard to believe that this is a design decision and not a bug or oversight!!!br
  8. Time in milliseconds/microseconds displayed along with frequency/note on nodes either by default or as a preference.br
  9. Ability to make the kick longer/shorter or increase/decrease frequency slider without altering the time/placement of existing nodes. If shortening the kick then the last node should change such that the sweep remains identical up to that point (see point 3)br
  10. Ability to lasso multiple nodes and move them together. This would allow the Kickdrum to be pitched up even when the global pitch slider is already at the max value.br
  11. Low frequencies need to be continuously selectable. At present you often can’t select any frequency for the end of the sweep and it jumps from say 36hz to 40 hz. This is crazy for a plugin that purports to let you “tune” your kick drum and appears to put so much emphasis on what “note” each node is set to to allow this!br
  12. Third window displaying the imported “click” sample and being able to preview any pitch, distortion, EQ or fading applied in real time. Again, with the Sine component drawn behind it for alignment purposes. If you could toggle between the sine (Sub), click and composite final output for the waveform then even better.br
  13. Allow folders within folders in the preset menu.br
  14. Update the preset menu after saving a kick preset. You have to delete the plugin and reinstantiate it in order to reopen a preset created that session (On Mac OSX you have to anyway). Pretty lame bug this one and should have been addressed with a 1.01 update shortly after release.br
  15. More and better presets. The factory presets really let this plugin down. It’s capable of such good kicks and I would have thought that you guys could get some decent engineers to submit more useable and classy kicks and sub dives etc. I am more than happy to volunteer a Scorb TRK bank if it is of any help ;)br
    I hate to see something as promising as KICK v1 not reach it’s full potential. It is so very nearly pure gold but is just lacking that extra bit of development to make it best in class.br
    Thanks for listening!:)br

#3 This. br
#9 I’m sorry, this one I don’t understand. How can you change length or pitch range without affecting node positioning? br
#12 In addition, the click editor should at least feature a high pass -filter, so you could import kick drums, cut off the lows and use them as clicks. A simple parametric eq would be nice too. Or a sample start editor or just support for multi-output routing, so we could process sub and click separately with whatever effects we prefer. br
One more suggestion from me: Sub-only keytracking. Hardstyle or trap producers often want to control just the pitch of the fundamental sub note while maintaining the snap and envelope sweep when producing tonal kicks. Don’t know the best way to implement this, maybe just an extra switch called “Sub-only” next to Keytrack, plus something to select the pitch-controlled tone/node.

Hi :)br
So, what I meant by 9:br
Say you have your kick set up nicely but you want to extend the tail. At present dragging the time slider underneath changes the kick, stretching out what you have already programmed to fit the new length. What I am suggesting is a key modifier, say “alt” that keeps the nodes where they are and just adds or removes time at the end. This combined with the ability to lasso all the nodes and drag them left or right would allow you a lot of extra flexibility.br
On the other hand you might like the sweep you already have but want to make the kick a bit shorter. The functionality already described in number 3 (the one you agree with) would allow the kick to be shortened and a new node is simply added to the curve at the end of the sweep. This would leave you with the same sweep but ending earlier. This obviously can’t happen at the moment because nodes being added change the existing curve.br
Likewise, for the Pitch slider on the left. Maybe you want to pitch the kick up but this slider is already at Max. If you could alt drag downwards without affecting the current sweep, it would let you extend the useable range.br
I hope that clarifies what I meant anyway! :)br
Your idea re. the click and EQ/filters is great too.br

Nr. 11: +111111br
This is pretty important yea!