hey !br
Working on a remix of the track “Party Hard” by “kill the buzz” br
Haven’t mastered at all but slightly mixing.br
I need feedback from you, tips and what I need to improve and think more about. br
It isnt the best sound quality and the volume output is very low, so turn on your speakers higher. The remix isnt complete yet, therefor only 3min.br
Thanks for me !: :)br
if you got any questions, just ask me.
Wrong place for this thread-put it into the tunes/mixs section next time.br
Track sunded good to be, good eq use and arrangement. The 2 things I noticed were your main riff coming in abit too suddenly and not sounding very natural but thats a minor issue.br
You have a major issue with the bass though, it seems like you didn’t eq it with the kick at all. Its too loud at the moment in the mix but I’d work on the eq of it first. Then you got a top track mate.
[quote]Fowleja (03/02/2013)[hr]Wrong place for this thread-put it into the tunes/mixs section next time.br
Track sunded good to be, good eq use and arrangement. The 2 things I noticed were your main riff coming in abit too suddenly and not sounding very natural but thats a minor issue.br
You have a major issue with the bass though, it seems like you didn’t eq it with the kick at all. Its too loud at the moment in the mix but I’d work on the eq of it first. Then you got a top track mate.[/quote]br
Thanks for your feedback :)br
Do you mean the bass in the drop or the part from 1min-2.15? br
Actually its just the 45secs-1min mark. Almost sounds like it’s just an octave too low.
I can’t really provide any feedback mix-wise as I’m only on laptop speakers atm, but I felt I should give some about the track overall.br
Electro is quite a tricky genre to get right, 'cause it’s very easy to make a dull track because of the confines of the genre. It’s been around for so long, making it difficult to be original. The sound you’re using here is a little outdated and it’s not really considered to be ‘fashionable’ at the moment (not that that’s an issue, doesn’t mean it’s a bad track - just giving you feedback).br
Your progressive style intro is also quite a challenge to get right, and repeating 4 bars repeatedly is not the way to do it. Try varying the phrase a little or adding in some more interesting sounds (don’t keep layering up the melody; add some more interesting percussion). By using this kind of sound, you’ve also made the track quite fluffy, which restricts how ‘electro’ your drop can be. You may want to consider this. Another decision you have made is to have a big, epic drop. You need to make sure you can deliver on the expectations you create from a big build, and I feel that the track remains predictable. Consider your track in a DJ set. A long, epic build should lead to something special. I think you should try to throw something interesting in at this point that’s not just another repeating lead phrase with a 4x4 beat and some simple bass; if you’re going to big yourself with such a long build, make it the track that’s memorable and distinct from the rest.br
I liked your classic use of pitch bending (I never get bored of that). While I can’t hear the bass which apparently needs work, your mix seems ok. Your kick definitely does seem to be a little invisible, and it’s important to make sure it’s obvious; it’s possibly the most important part of a dance track. Sidechaining is always your friend there, especially with this kind of electro. That could also be your ‘something special’; a tasteful reincarnation of the sidechain electro bass.br
I’m clutching at straws here; basically, your track is mixed well, and has all the elements of a good electro track. For it to be great, though, you need to be original.
[quote]raviolifaceman (04/02/2013)[hr]I can’t really provide any feedback mix-wise as I’m only on laptop speakers atm, but I felt I should give some about the track overall.br
Electro is quite a tricky genre to get right, 'cause it’s very easy to make a dull track because of the confines of the genre. It’s been around for so long, making it difficult to be original. The sound you’re using here is a little outdated and it’s not really considered to be ‘fashionable’ at the moment (not that that’s an issue, doesn’t mean it’s a bad track - just giving you feedback).br
Your progressive style intro is also quite a challenge to get right, and repeating 4 bars repeatedly is not the way to do it. Try varying the phrase a little or adding in some more interesting sounds (don’t keep layering up the melody; add some more interesting percussion). By using this kind of sound, you’ve also made the track quite fluffy, which restricts how ‘electro’ your drop can be. You may want to consider this. Another decision you have made is to have a big, epic drop. You need to make sure you can deliver on the expectations you create from a big build, and I feel that the track remains predictable. Consider your track in a DJ set. A long, epic build should lead to something special. I think you should try to throw something interesting in at this point that’s not just another repeating lead phrase with a 4x4 beat and some simple bass; if you’re going to big yourself with such a long build, make it the track that’s memorable and distinct from the rest.br
I liked your classic use of pitch bending (I never get bored of that). While I can’t hear the bass which apparently needs work, your mix seems ok. Your kick definitely does seem to be a little invisible, and it’s important to make sure it’s obvious; it’s possibly the most important part of a dance track. Sidechaining is always your friend there, especially with this kind of electro. That could also be your ‘something special’; a tasteful reincarnation of the sidechain electro bass.br
I’m clutching at straws here; basically, your track is mixed well, and has all the elements of a good electro track. For it to be great, though, you need to be original.[/quote]br
THANKS for your feedback Very appreciate!br
Ill shall try to make the drop more memorable and fresh.br
I have already learned massive and that sound in the drop I was happy about, but Ill try to make it more fresh, definitely