Hello there Phil, I just finished this track right here. I was wondering if you could give it a listen and share your thoughts on it. I would appreciate if you point out the things that I can improve and such;br
I’ve been trying out the layering kick techniques on this track and really wonder about how it sounds as in the low end part. I hear it really nice and punchy on my monitors(not the perfect acoustically treated room) and on my car, and headphones.br
I am getting closer to the sound I want but still missing couple pieces.br
What do you think, in terms of mixdown, and I did kinda self master it.br
After mastering there was around -5 dynamics and -7RMS on the meters as I tried not to squeeze it way too hard.br
I appreciate your help.
i like it. that’s a lot of fun. i really liked what you did with the higher end arp keyboard thing early on.br
Mix and master sound good… the arrangement seems a bit drawn out to me things not happening quick enough and there are no real big moments.br
Its a decent well produced track but there is nothing that is really special in it that stands out or something you could remember it for.br
Im sure it would have people grooving along in an early warm up set.
Thanks phil, how to get these type of tracks they are on a lil bit more on the minimal side like house, tech house etc type of genres unlike big room house etc. How to make them have those big moments?
[quote]rforbes (08/06/2013)[hr]i like it. that’s a lot of fun. i really liked what you did with the higher end arp keyboard thing early on.br
Thanks man.
Some effected vocal samples could ad more character.br
A more focused melody would give more identity. At the minute it would be hard to go away after listening and hum the tune.br
More general dynamics… Like make build ups start lower and more atmosphereic and build to higher hights then have drop really impact by dropping to just the kick and clap.br
Have a listen to the Mat Zo polar ep… It might be more main room than you are looking but his drums, percussion, drops and builds should give you some good ideas.
Those are some nice tips indeed. I will try those things out on the next track. Thanks for thr insight phil. I knew couple mat zo songs like bipolar etc and true his songs are really nice.br
On build ups, what do you mean to only drop kick and clap? When the song kicks in have the other percussion elements slowly add up or?
Like when you are coming out of a build jst dropping to kick, clap and bass works well in clubs.br
Its also a good guage as to if your bassline is strong enough.br
Yeah then you can build up the percusion again. Generally id want to have the nect element something that really ads lts of groove. Maybe toms bongos etc. something to really get people mooving.
Yeah I can see the impact of that in the club, true.br
Also what do you mean by focused melody for the tune? I write my melodies like randomly pretty much and try to incorporate them to the kick and bass, sometimes it works sometimes, it lil bit clashes but i can get away with it. br
How to make the melody fit the song in a focused way so you remember and can hum it?br
Does it have to do with using the tonic, and root note mainly and focus around that.br
Because the melody that the song has jumps around a lil bit with lots of skips.
More pleasing melodys tend to follow patterns so the most obvious is like SHM one where it just has incrementaly rising pitch.br
This gives the listener a sense of predictability so the tune is easier to remeber. br
Repeating rhythmica phrases are important to. br
Like do do la la ti ti la la do dobr
Or br
Do do do la la br
La la la ti tibr
Anything that is more structured and predictabble…br
You also need to create surprise. I remember reading somewhere that 70% predictable and 30% surprise was the most satisfying.br
When im making melodys im not nessisarly conscious of the theory but im sure if i took the melodies that i really liked they would exibit a lot of the traits mentioned.
Thanks for the information Phil, I kind of tried to use them on this new track so I was wondering what do you think?br
It is on a rough arrangement/mixdown phase so trying to get as much as other pair of ears listen to this :)br
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