hey phil,
could i ask you kindly to give some feedback on this track and what extra it may need so i can finally get my 1st track signed
still awaiting the day this happens! :w00t:
BTW, dunno what soundcloud does when you upload it but dear me it just destroys the dynamics of the track
gonna put this into the tunes forum for other S.A-ers to comment on aswel
New track by George Kadar
I think you have far too much going on in general.
and the sections seem to blend to much… its ok to have changes that are more abrupt.
Dont really like the piano bit… it dosnt really happen anywhere else and sounds a bit out of place.
I think you need to pick 3 main bits: a chorus (bit at 4.00mins) and verse ( the electro bassline).
you want something like:
Intro-verse-build-chrous (maybe just kick and synths)-verse-build-chorus-chorus-outro
P.S… i think you are on a real winner if you get it tidied up!!
ok phil cheers. thanks a lot for quick reply
may i just ask a few questions coz i need to get this nailed!
[quote]phil johnston (11/01/2012)[hr]
Intro-verse-build-chrous (maybe just kick and synths)-verse-build-chorus-chorus-outro[/quote]
if i do this, would the track not end up like 13 mins long or something?
also, theres a lot of progressive trance, anjunabeats stuff where the piano is literally in the track for like 16 bars and thats it. sometimes even 8!
also, the arragement of the track is similar to a lot of stuff i’ve been listening to so i thought it all blended and mixed together well.
regarding the quote i highlighted phil, could you elaborate on that a little bit more for me please?
so basically, if i passed the project on to yourself, what order would you bring the sounds in and what would you drop out and where?
make the sections shorter!
around 32 bars each…
the piano bit i think just dosnt sound like it fits to me.
progressive tracks build and blend a lot more… this sounds more like main room house where its more of a pop style arrangement… really quick.
dont scrap what you have done… just save a new version and mess about… try quicker changes see how it sounds
ok thanks phil
just a 2 more things!
how do u save a new version and how is everything sounding in terms of quality?
Just save as, with a different name.
Mix sounds a bit over compressed. But other than that great.
yeah it doesnt it. i noticed that. its the limiter on the master. do you think i should take it off phil?
What plugins are you using on the track? Maube we could do a fix my mix tutorial?
the L2
yeah. plz do the fix my mix
it just seems to squash it as soon as i put it on
not as bad if i use L1 phil. much better actually
could it be the input going into the limiter phil?
as soon as i put its almost 6 db without even touching anything
i use the L2 on a few sounds within the track, along with the vintage warmer on a few other sounds. if that helps break down the problem
sorry for clogging the thread with loads of little posts. i keep remembering things once i’ve posted :blink:
6db can be ok if its not already compressed going in to the limiter.
Is that all you have on your master channel?
yeah, the L1 now, slightly less compressed. only by a fraction though