Feedback wanted

I thought it was really good until the hats came in about 1 min into the clip on soundcloud, i thought it needed something a little more exciting and bigger than the hats at that
Think it would have been nice to have a longer break with the vocal after about 2 mins as
So i think with just some small changes to the sounds and perhaps a bit more work on the arrangement this would be something that i would say is fit for a release.

Good sounding track pal, Im not a fan of the wooden block sound that comes in just after 1 min though. the rest of the percs seem good though.

I really liked this. Not my usual sort of music but it has a great groove to
Good work :slight_smile:

really an imporvement. br
the white could be a little more present. the kick could have more bass (add an eq and lower the hi frequencies and higher the loew frequencies a little).br
perc is very nice. i like the bass but try to make a little bass melody out of it, its the same note all the time. i like the vocals very
add a progressive synth to it and use it like a percussion, i think that would give the track more personality. br
good job so far