Hey guys,br
Finally i finished my first track!br
It’s a bit electro/progressive house i guess.br
I’am really curious about your opinion about it, if you like it, or not.br
Maybe some points to still improve and so on.br
Okay here it is :br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/116080116%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-DvJCKamp;secret_token=s-DvJCK”/iframebr
Thanks in advance for your time,
for the first finished track it sound great. br
i like the kick and the percussions very much.br
i’m just not completely happy with the structure and melody of the track. br
i’d like to see more variety (breaks and stuff) and the melody is just not memorable, but if you want to use as music for a movie or so i’d would it quite well
I like it…Wish it had a heavier side chain though so that it would really pump and let the kick through
Thanks for the reply guys, will look into it!
Hi Jean,br
I agree with both of them! I really like the sounds that you’ve got going on in there, it all sounds very clean and professional, but it feels like its missing something. Either more variation with the synth or I can picture some grungy woman singing over the top of it in places. ;)br
I really like the track tho! Oh and the sidechain definitely needs to be pumping more for this as well, that’ll really get the speakers rockin! br