First track, advice andsuggestions needed

Hey everyone,

thats a not ready version of my first track.

I would like to hear what you think.

What I could do to have it more well sounding ect.

Im realy not into producing so far, so please tell me what you think.

Version 2

Untitled version 2 by Paulectro

06.11 20:00 GTM+1


So, here I am again, invested 6 more hours today :wink:


  • changed BPM to 127 instead of 128
  • added a new kick with more punch
  • made the drums more intresting at some parts
  • removed the chorus on the base in the breaks
  • several changes in the attack behavior of both, the base and the lead
  • basicly, Iā€™v changed the whole arrangement
  • better intro added
  • better outro added
  • worked on the breaks
  • several minor changes
  • worked on the master EQ

    To do:
  • make the beat more interesting
  • breaks need further improvment
  • breaks need more tension
  • add more FX
  • intro workaround
  • outro workaround
  • find a high sub melody for the middle part
  • remove the empty space in the end

Your track has a nice groove, I think you need something in the high frequencies and maybe some work on your breaks. Also not sure about the kick, it doesnā€™t pop out, maybe sidechain it if you havenā€™t already, or maybe find a Kick with more punch.

Thanks for the comment.

Of cause, the breaks are not jet good enough, especially the last one.

Im not sure about the kick, I have tried one with more punch and were not sure about the sound and the feeling it created in combination to the whole sound but ill check again.

I will try to find a nice high melody to play alongsideā€¦ Thx for the sugestion.

Just a thought for you to try and i havint heard the original sample yet (sorry) i will tomorrow when i have better speakers not on this thing.

IF you wanting a kick to come through, give a little boost between 3.81khz and 5.07 on the eq and bring out that clicky wooden feeling and stick a little overdrive on, play with settings get a subtle effect and that will hopefully make a difference to kick cutting through :wink:

[quote]xxgrandxx (10/06/2010)[hr]Hey everyone,
thats a not ready version of my first track.
I would like to hear what you think.
What I could do to have it more well sounding ect.
Im realy not into producing so far, so please tell me what you think.
<EMBED height=81 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=ā€œ100%ā€ src= allowscriptaccess=ā€œalwaysā€> Untitled by Paulectro[/quote]

If I had to pick the Favorite sound of the track I would say its the bass . Very deep and my"KRK 8s" where happy with the bass munchiesĀ :D

I like it mate. A punchier beat would be cool, Iā€™m loving the bassy elements. I like where youā€™re getting with it. Keep up the good effort, and I look forward to hearing how you get on. :smiley:

Thank you so much! Its nice to see that you kinda like it.

Ill change it and will try to have the suggestions implemented if I like the way it sounds.

If there is a noticeable progress Ill Post an Update this evening.

Itā€™s good work in progress. Donā€™t change it too much if you can help it. Keep it up :wink:

So, update is out,

please read the first posting!