after finally finishing a course (only took me a year) i stayed up all night to make this disco track! i know the drums are the same as the one’s in the course was only going to use them as a starting point but thought they sounded good in the track so have kept them in! your feedback on how the track sounds and what i could do to make it better would be greatly appreciated!br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“”/iframe
new link as not sure last one worked?br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“”/iframe
I am enjoying the funky bass you got there man, really cool sounding track. My knowledge in disco house is limited but i was grooving along with the track.
good track… real nice summery vibe to
I think the drums could be better… they sound a bit loose to be and the little fill at the end of each bar is a bit over
I would try to get the kick snare and open hat on the off beat the more prominent and
The bass to me sounds a bit too hollow for this type of track… id try compressing and adding more 140hz and roll of some of the 50hz and below. maybe layer a live bass with it to thicken it up. then compress the crap out of them.
thanks for listening guys appreciate it! my knowledge of disco house is not to great either but must say i really enjoyed the course and loved making the track!br
Phil thanks for the advice mate, kinda thought that about the fill too but wasn’t sure! br
great advice with the bass will get on that asapbr
Drums are usually the weak point of all my tracks, think i need to spend more time trying to master how to get my drums to sound good! any suggestions on tuts i should watch?
Great job. I enjoyed to vocals you used. Reminded me of some 90’s Disco House.