Firt steps on Cubase

Greeettings, this is my first topic and participation in this forum, so I already apologize for anythin made myself missunderstood. I hope learn a lot here and help every time I could.

I have a problem with my time stretch on cubase.

I used the following:

Ctrl + right click: open menu

In the menu select process: Process menu opens

In process menu, I select time strectch; so Opens Interface Time strech

On the interface of the time stretch, I reported how fast the sample is, and typed in the field by its side the desired speed.

clicked on: Process - opened up a warning window (about the application of time affecting in the samples in the whole track)

clicked on continue and the bar loaded and processing was done.

But this doesn’t work it anymore. By the way… nothing works in the proccess, not even fades. Did I disabled the process? Or did I deleted the program files, something or changed something in the Files?

Thank you for any help!

did you tried the streching arrow tool ? if you havent it should be a drop down where u should see an arrow with a clock . select the ends of the sample and strech according your needs .

is better than the other way anyway s:D

Nice, I’ve tried this way you said too. But this really works the same way or even better as you say? Because to put the vocal I want on the time, I had to cut all and work on it to put in the right time.

As I can see, to use the time stretch with the clock arrow it’s ok. But I think I’m having problem with my proccess tool.

Does somebody knows what kind of problem can be? My proccess doesn’t work


Hello Guys, I’ll be direct on the point.

I’m studing the tutorial about how to make progressive house Daniel Portmann, but i am already stuck on druming the whole thing. I can’t find groove agent one in my cubase. I did the whole thing about put the samples inside so I went to device, press on vst instrument and others vst appears, but not GAO.

I went to VSTplugins folder on cubase’s directory, and did not found GAO folder, only the presets on vst3 folder.

Please guys, I mean… really hehehe Thank you a lot!

I just dont want to sound like a ****head but read the manual dude !!. all u need from refreshing the vstis to set paths for the plug ins are in the manual.

Yeah man, you dam right. Sometimes it looks like we just need someone to say to us. I’v just got the manual in portuguese, so I’ll start to do it, I hope it to help me out.

When I install cubase, I had some problems with install plug ins. They don’t appear in the program, and there no plug files like compressor for example. That was my problem with the Grove Agent One, it did not install.

Maybe can be my HD got full. I have an C: and other D: each has 60 free giga, but my C: only 4 free. Any idea with the “plugins no install problem” would help. Thanks

Ohh and thank alinenunez I did read the mannual, helps me a lot.

It’s a pity that I can’t get answer about my questions on this forum, maybe when I get more advanced we speak the same language. Till there here goes another one.

I can’t adjust the time (tempo) from 120 to 128 bpm on cubase. I am trying to make Progressive house daniel portman on cubase. But frequently I’m stuck on amateurs problems like that.

Hey… Let us know what version of cubase your running and on what system.

So here we go, I got the Cubase 5, Installed on a PC AMD Athlon™ XP 2200+1.80 GHz, 2,00 GB de RAM with Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2.

My Hard Drive has a division C: and D:

Thank you for all the support!


[quote]AtilaE (16/12/2010)[hr]It’s a pity that I can’t get answer about my questions on this forum, maybe when I get more advanced we speak the same language. Till there here goes another one.

I can’t adjust the time (tempo) from 120 to 128 bpm on cubase. I am trying to make Progressive house daniel portman on cubase. But frequently I’m stuck on amateurs problems like that.[/quote]

hi atilae,

it sounds like your having quite a few problems!

we can help you out as much as we can here, but we are more suited to answering questions on making music - the technical stuff you will probably find a lot more help direct from the Steinberg website or technical support.

regarding the tempo, you need to make sure that you select your tempo from the transport bar and click it from “Tracked” to “Fixed”

then select your speed

i would recommend watching the how to make electro house using cubase 5 videos, as this is essentially a beginners guide to cubase 5