
anyone else got this flu?

its phukin killin me man.

for the ones yet to get it…

you know on the first day of the normal flu virus, u feel all achey and shaking and shivery? well with this flu u have that for about 4 days straight.

my legs are like lead, with someone kicking them. dizzy, thick chest, blocked nose, headache. i cant stop falling asleep.

4/5 days now

i havent had the flu for 8 years :smiley:

but hope you get better man :smiley:

I had it before christmas! Wasn’t too bad for me though but i put that down to my diet.

Get well soon mate!

[quote]Roben (07/01/2011)[hr]I had it before christmas! Wasn’t too bad for me though but i put that down to my diet.


All that man protein helped fend it off then?

somebody got great use out of that semen recipe book :smiley:

[quote]jpgetty2win (07/01/2011)[hr]anyone else got this flu?

its phukin killin me man.

for the ones yet to get it…

you know on the first day of the normal flu virus, u feel all achey and shaking and shivery? well with this flu u have that for about 4 days straight.

my legs are like lead, with someone kicking them. dizzy, thick chest, blocked nose, headache. i cant stop falling asleep.

4/5days now[/quote]

I had this at the beginning of December. 6 days off work. Unpaid! Thought I was gonna die lol the mrs had it as well, luckily my little girl didn’t have it like we did

Had a flu jab :slight_smile:

Had flu over xmas dirty nasty bug man !!

i think im gonna get flu jab i dont want that again :slight_smile:

Its 70 degrees here in Florida!  No flu for me.  Just shorts and flip flops!  :smiley:

Man flu.

it snowed today here in North East.

but no flu for me either.

drink some Orange Juice! with vodka in it! :hehe: