For Sale: Propellerheads Recycle 2.2

I am selling my of Propellerhead’s ReCycle as I simply don’t use it. I own Nerve and Geist which between them cover all my beat slicing needs. I am asking for £145. Once payment clears into my Paypal account I will email the Props and they will transfer the license across to your user account on the Propellerhead website. Once this is done you can download the full version from their website. I have confirmed the sale with the Propellerheads directly so all is ready to go. The new 2.2 update offers full functionality with Mac’s Lion OSX.

The link is below to the listing on KVR, and search Northerner_V1 on the KVR Feedback thread as I have long standing excellent feedback. Please feel free to PM me over there if this is preferable…


Cheers me dears!

SOLD! Thanks everyone. :slight_smile: