For Times when you just wanna chill

Post up your Gamer Tags in this section, we can either all chill for a game or if the forum gets heated we can kill each other online (game talk of course) :w00t:

i’ll post mine up as soon as the boy has got of the super ghey wii.

just post up platform and tags and hopefully we can catch each other online, and please no producer based questions during session lol

i’m on xbox live my gamer tag is machineclient all one word i only really play c.o.d modern warfare 2 not been on for a while though so am out of practise lol;)

im on ps3, gamer tag is schmuss.

ps3 sher_shot

Pc gaming for me I’m afraid. I’m a big fan of FPS games and to be honest control pads arnt fluid and fast enough for pro gameplay. Mouse and keyboard FTW.

xbox 360 mine is ENIL8IN lol you may find that my son is on more than me :slight_smile: if you get whooped its more than likely my son

My xboxlive gamertag is: Satonis , which is where you will find me whenever inspiration is lacking and the girlfriend isn’t nagging. -The rhime wasn’t intentional :slight_smile:

ps3 gamer tag is

DJLEESI feel free to addy me i usually bash about on COD 2 :wink:

is anyone getting the New AVP GAME?

I now have a gamer tag:
