***Forum Rules***

  • We are an online business, and this forum is here to support our training videos, for people to share ideas and to facilitate an online community of music makers. It is NOT here for people to promote their own or other businesses, including other video tutorial websites. Any such posts will be removed.

  • We are proud of the fact that we have built a friendly community of users who can contribute to our forums whatever their level of knowledge. Any posts which deter other users from posting e.g. by being aggressive, provocative or condescending will be removed and those responsible will be banned from the site;

  • Any file sharing links to music or any other copyrighted material which you have not been involved in producing, will be removed an those responsible will be banned;

  • Any talk of illegal file sharing sites, illegal software download sites, the use of cracked software, how to obtain cracked software or anything else of the kind is NOT permitted. Doing so will result in the thread being instantly removed and the user may also be banned.

  • Any posts relating to violence, racism, sexism, swearing or threats to others will result in an instant banning.

  • Be nice to one another - this is a community of like minded people who want to learn from one another! There is a really nice vibe on this forum, let’s keep it that way!