"Free Online Studio"

Saw the following on the Guardian website, not sure what I make of it really. The idea sounds good obviously, but in practise will it just turn out more boring music than there is already?

Online venture to give DJs free access to virtual studio | Music | The Guardian

Also access to high end software isn’t ‘that’ difficult if you have no scruples…

Looks like a great idea to me.

Cost of things was something that held me back for a long time.

True, but as with all things when you lower the barriers more people can be involved, but then it can get harder to find the good stuff amongst the noise.

Sometimes a little bit of a barrier isn’t always a bad thing imo, as it means only the passionate/dedicated will bother :smiley:

this has been around for a while so not sure why Guardian are makign abig deal out fo that:
