From Russia With Bass

Hey Guys

Just uploaded a new track that I’ve been working on this week. As usual I’d appreciate you listening and commenting, helping me improve it.

Thanks for the ears!

From Russia With Bass by Block.Punch

Any pointers you guys can give would be really useful.

I think that, at least, it won’t be four minutes of your life that you’ll want back. :slight_smile:

Hmm, good old Soundcloud. Looks like the link broke.

Oh well, here it is again

From Russia With Bass by Block.Punch

Over 50 plays and one favourite! Coolio

I’ve stuck up a site too


nice track! just listened to it on my laptop and everything seems to sit nicely in the mix and seems to be produced well

imo you’ll get a much better reaction on soundcloud than hear as you’ll find more like minded producers.:slight_smile:

Thanks @mussi.

I’ve had some decent comments from the guys on the Ableton and IDM forums. At the end of the day though, if anyone likes the genre or not, it’s useful to hear comments from other ears on the production, mix levels, etc as most of us have limited systems we can hear our productions on.

Definitely feel like I crossed some kind of threshold with this one and feel a lot more comfortable using my DAW now. A lot of that is thanks to the lessons on here.

Nice track mate, very spacious and nicely mixed. Is it like chilled D’n’B, I’m hearing very subtle flavours in your hats, interesting tune.

enjoyed the track man left a comment on ure sound cloud

Sounds good on my hifi - not really my sorta thing but I feel its something I could quite happy listening to at a barbq