Further explanations to your tutorials

Dear SA Team<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


After asking by email what happened to my request posted (see questions 1 to 4) on 9/9/2011 I got this reply without signature:

apologies for the delay in getting back to you – i have had a look back at your posts. As you posted this in the Tutorial Requests section of the site it mustn't have been picked up by our tutors. Any direct response that you want from our tutors / community needs to be placed in the 'Subscriber Support' forum section where we will try our best to get a response back to you about any problems you are having. hope this helps. Sonic Academy Customer Service customerservice@sonicacademy.com


Hi Sonic Academy Team


I recently found time to dig into SA. It is not possible to find words for my appreciation of your work and quality!


I have (since I checked a lot in little time) some requests.

1. Delay Trick in Cubase
In tutorial 87 (of Tech Tips Volume 8) you showed Delay Tricks in Ableton. The used delay tool had a „repitch“ function. How do you do this in Cubase, or which VST is providing „repitch“?


2. Multiband Gating in Cubase
In tutorial 95 (of Tech Tips Volume 9) you explained Multi Band Gating in Locig Pro. How do you do this in Cubase?


3. Macro Controller in Cubase
In „Advanced Techniques – Drums, Breaks & Builds“ (tutorial 08) you assigned several functions/knobs to one macro controller (Ableton). How can you do this in Cubase?


4. Bass Processor in Cubase
In „Mixing – Creating Space“ (tutorial bass 09) you created a bass processor in Ableton? How do you do this in Cubase (how can you split a channel in order to work on each independently)?


In addition to this I would like to ask you the following


5. Why do you keep percussion loops generally outside of the drum group?

6. Is there a waveshaper for vst as in the Ableton saturator?

7. How did you create the guitar loops in "How to make Disco Loops" (is this possible only with midi and vst)?


I am one of your biggest admirors and appreciate your work. Because of you the quality of music increases – and you know that too! I kindly ask you to help me with my questions. I have put a lot of effort in following and understanding your tutorials and need the answers to complete „my studies“.


Thank you so much in advance!!




1. Delay Trick in Cubase

Get MDA Dub Delay from Here

Has a repitch mode

2. Multiband Gating in Cubase

3. Macro Controller in Cubase

4. Bass Processor in Cubase

you need a FX chaniner/ rack plugin

Check here and here>> The Newest Plugins, VST, AU & AAX Music Software - Page 1 of 546

Ill have a further look myself and see if i can get some more concrete info

5. Why do you keep percussion loops generally outside of the drum group?

I tend to process main drums and percs separately… using different reverbs and compression etc. just really to keep them grouped for easier processing.

6. Is there a waveshaper for vst as in the Ableton saturator?

Not sure ill have a look.

7. How did you create the guitar loops in “How to make Disco Loops” (is this possible only with midi and vst)?

Used a real guitar for that… you could try something like this

hi phil - you are great, thank you for your answer and info!!

i have two questions

1) when you are mastering, are you using tape recorder plug-ins? would you recommend one from UAD?

2) is it possible to get more answers on those questions i asked in the prior request?

thank you and success!!
