Future House Track

haven’t posted in a while… new music in a new genre. let me know what you think! br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/225630810amp;color=ff5500amp;auto_play=falseamp;hide_related=falseamp;show_comments=trueamp;show_user=trueamp;show_reposts=false”/iframebr

Really really awesome man:D, I genuinely dig the Kanye West remix - and normally I can’t stand him or any music to do with him. Really like the piano chords on that one, how did you come up with them?br
I’ll have to check out your soundcloud dude, keep up the great work.

both sound excellent.br
production quality is high on these.br
prefer the first one however :slight_smile:

[quote]bryan spence (22/10/2015)[hr]both sound excellent.br
production quality is high on these.br
prefer the first one however :)[/quote]br
Thanks bryan for the post! I totally forgot the second track is still displayed in my signature from a few years back. I should update that :slight_smile:

[quote]BigBossMFM (22/10/2015)[hr]Really really awesome man:D, I genuinely dig the Kanye West remix - and normally I can’t stand him or any music to do with him. Really like the piano chords on that one, how did you come up with them?br
I’ll have to check out your soundcloud dude, keep up the great work.[/quote]br
thanks! :smiley: the chord progression was a bit of banging on the keyboard and coming up with something that sounded good. wish i had a better answer but sometimes you come up with something organically that just fits.

This remix is sweet dude, on my speakers the breakdown sounds a wee bit heavy but thats just if I wanted to be picky!br
ps. your profile pic still cracks me up haha… :smiley: